ICC Cricket World Cup 2007

ICC Cricket World Cup 2007
The opening ceremony for the ICC Cricket World Cup will be on 11 March 2007.
ICC Cricket World Cup 2007
There are ten diffrent venues for ICC cricket World Cup 2007
ICC Cricket World Cup 2007
Match Schedules
50 Matches will be Played During the World Cup 2007.
ICC Cricket 2007World Cup
Friday, January 26, 2007
Queen's Park

Built in 1998, Queen's Park Stadium in Grenada is a world-class stadium, with a present capacity of 13,000 that would be increased to 20,000 for the World Cup matches.

The Queen's Park Stadium in Grenada has to host 6 of the 24 World Cup Second-Stage Group 8 matches, and the stadium is completely renovated to meet this challenge. Also known as the New Queen's Park, the stadium is located on the outskirts of the capital, St George's.

Fast Facts: Queen's Park, Grenada

Established: 1998
Seating Capacity: 13,000 (20,000 for ICC Cricket World Cup 2007)
Matches: Super: 8
Location: On the outskirts of the capital, St George's

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posted by net4earning @ 1:30 AM  
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